Do you need permission?

We made it to 2020. Just beyond the time between holidays when I’m not quite sure what day it is. Though truth be told, most days I have to make a real effort to remember the day or date. I’ll blame that on mom brain.

This time of year can be difficult and full of pressure. Did you do your yearly review? Did you meet your goals? Did you set even more audacious goals for this year? It seems everyone is asking these questions and we find ourselves pressured to produce a list of dreams and goals for the new year. Sometimes dreaming for the new year can be a painful process. Health issues, relationship issues, loss, even just the fact that another year has passed can make this process painful.

May I be the one to give you permission if you need it? You don’t need to reflect right now. You don’t have to make resolutions or write down goals in the next few days or weeks. If what you need right now is to just take it day by day in this season then that’s what you do. This is your permission to simply take care of yourself. You can pick up the mantel of dream and goals later, beautiful human. But if now is your season to take it easy then allow yourself that rest.


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Leah Barnett