Back to School

I’ll be honest. Even after planning and planning for this school year I was feeling a lot of anxiety getting started. I know part of it is the general anxiety and emotion behind my baby girl growing up. Part of it was also just plain old not feeling prepared.

Our school supplies weren’t completely set. I didn’t have all of the books from the library I wanted to start our school year with. I wasn’t sure how to write in the subjects we will be studying this year. There are always more things to write than space to write them even if there are nine subject lines. What do I combine together? What do I keep separate? Add to it all my sweet girl wanted to focus on the United States Civil War for our unit study. I had started getting ready for the unit study back in May. Still…Complete overwhelm.

We went for it Monday morning even though I didn’t feel ready. I realized as the day went on I really was prepared to teach my kid. So what if we didn’t have 100% of our organizational needs in order? We had 95% of what we needed. The other 5% we started on Monday and organized Tuesday. We ended up being able to pick up all but one of our books from the library Monday afternoon. I was finally able to find something to help jump-start our unit on the US Civil War.

Point is, we did it.

The kid is in love with sixth grade already and I’m elated that she is ready to learn. We’ve had a wonderful first three days and I know this whole year won’t all be good days but I’m soaking them in while they are here.


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