At least I'll grow patience.

I started a garden a few months back. Now I can’t remember exactly when I had my first work day for it but it has been a minute. It’s already been full of elation and complete frustration. I hear gardening will grow my patience (if not food). Right now I have a few sunflowers, a few zinnia, cinnamon basil, and one sweet blue gold cherry tomato plant. Oh, and weeds. Lots and lots of weeds.

I had other seeds planted, other seedlings that came up. They all got eaten or dug up by something or another. I lost a tomato or two, both pepper seedlings, and all my baby cilantro plants. I can smile and laugh now at the insanity of the pickiness of the rodent that is treating itself to my garden. When it first happened I cursed loudly.

Things have been slow and crazy all at the same time over here. Wrapping up our homeschool year, trying to take care of this new garden, a weekend trip to Disney to celebrate Mother’s Day (a longstanding family tradition) and lots of walks outside.

I have found myself needing the fresh air more often. I walk outside until I notice I’m sweating a little too heavily and I’ll go back in a cool off. Before I know it I’m back outside pacing around the property. I suppose there are worse ways to decompress from the day.


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