3 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Better Rest

You’ve had a busy day. You are exhausted and getting ready for bed wondering if this will be one of those nights when your mind won’t shut off and you’ll be tossing and turning all night. What could be the use of oils in this scenario?

Your sense of smell is linked to your limbic system. The limbic system is the system that regulates the automatic systems in the body: respiratory, cardiac, and also your emotions. The limbic system is really extraordinary and we can use it to our advantage. By using calming oils you are immediately sending a signal to the brain it is okay to rest. Ideally you are spending at least some of your day in rest and digest but we definitely want that before you are getting ready for bed. Tip: Use the same oil, or blend of oils, every night. You may decide to have two or three that you rotate but I wouldn’t have many more than that to choose from because your body will also learn to associate that particular scent with winding down for the day.

The Wind-Down Begins

Start your living space diffuser with a calming oil 45 minutes to an hour before you will be getting ready for bed. Maybe Lavender with Bergamot. This is your body’s first clue that rest is coming. Wrap up any last-minute tasks and then shut down the electronics, snuggle up with a cozy cup of chamomile tea, and read a book. A real one. That has physical pages. This does a few things. The scent of your wind-down blend will trigger your mind and body to calm down, the chamomile tea will up the anty and give your body the comfort of not only the herbal benefits of the tea but also the warmth will help calm your body and help to hydrate it before your night long fast. Shutting off the electronics helps your mind calm before bed, slowing the stimuli, helping your brain to purge and come to a resting state. Another great idea is to do a brain dump nightly with your tea either instead of reading or as things pop in your mind as you read. Not familiar with brain dumping? It is simply writing down all the things in your mind. Tasks, project ideas, venting emotions - whatever you need to get out of your head so you can rest.

Calming Before Bed

Start your bedroom diffuser with your chosen sleep blend - maybe Vetiver, Juniper Berry, and Ylang Ylang. Do your whole getting ready for bed routine. Teeth, face, shower or bath if that’s your jam using good for you products. Use some yummy oils on your feet and give yourself a foot massage. For your monthly bleed and even the week before Zendocrine, Serenity and Clary Calm are a beautiful blend to use. For other parts of the cycle, I’ll use simply Serenity and Copaiba.

You can turn off your diffuser after it has run for 30 minutes or set it to the lowest setting and allow it to run if you would prefer.

Embrace Rest

Wrap it all up. Be done with the day. Get in bed, sans electronics, and let yourself rest. This may take an adjustment period. If you need music or noise to help you sleep put it on a timer so it doesn’t play all night long. If your mind won’t be quiet give it a job to find all the things you are grateful for. Focus on your breathing, breathing deeply into the belly, holding for a few seconds, exhaling fully, holding for a few seconds. Keep doing this breathing pattern and before you know it you’ll be asleep.

Establishing New Habits

As with any new routine, be kind as you integrate new things. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Take the baby steps that you can and build on that. Maybe you start with going to bed without electronics, maybe the wind-down time seems more doable. Pick one new habit, establish it, and then build on it. You can do this. You are worth the work and the time.

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