5 AM

I woke up suddenly at 5 AM this morning. This happens once in a while that my body decides it’s time and I have to wake up. I spent an hour in bed trying to bore myself with Instagram and Pinterest on my phone and maybe catch some more sleep. I was unsuccessful. I got up, got coffee brewing, stretched out, guzzled some water, poured myself a cup of hot coffee, and came back upstairs to my bedroom. The dark enveloping me like a cocoon. I crawled back in bed and sipped my coffee. I browsed more on my phone and thought. No, I woke up this early because of something brewing in me.

Whether you are a resolutions person, an intentions person, or a goals person I want to encourage you this way. Whatever goals you set for yourself, whatever you want to achieve. You can do it. Whatever modality you choose, whatever teacher you learn from, you can do whatever you set out for yourself if you just don’t give up. If you just keep getting up every time you fail.

It is so easy in the new year with everyone sharing their goals and dreams for the future to compare your with theirs. Don’t. Whatever you have set for yourself either last year, last decade, or yesterday you set those goals or intentions for a reason. You are your own human, this is your one life. You do what you need to do to make it beautiful.

You are lovely and worthy today. There is nothing you need to do to be deserving of respect, love, and joy. Those things are for you simply because you exist. Your worthiness is not wrapped up in the better version of you. You are worthy now. You can simultaneously want to grow as a person and make your life more of what you want it to be and be grateful for the now.

The tops of the clouds are turning pink with the sunrise. The lowest part of the clouds facing me are still cold and grey. Peeks of blue sky come between the shifting clouds. I hope you see beauty today. I hope you know your worth isn’t wrapped up in success but that you are worthy simply because you are here. I hope you feel love and joy today. I hope you experience and express deep, chest-pounding gratitude. I hope you know that this is your life. Your one beautiful life and it is your to live.