
I’ve been thinking a bit on our daily patterns. So much of our lives are autopilot. We spend our days, our minutes, our seconds in much of the same way without thinking much about it. These routines may not be evil in and of themselves but how much of our time is wasted in routines that don’t serve us and moreover how many of our thoughts don’t serve us.

Here is what I propose: Sit for a moment and think about your year. What went well? What didn’t? What are you over the moon grateful for? What failures did you learn from and what were those lessons?

Now, imagine 5 years out. What does your dream five year plan look like? What do you do to earn money? What does your home look like? What does your family look like? How do you feel in your body, in your home, in your heart and soul?

What can you do the next year (starting now… you don’t need January 1st to roll around to begin change) to walk that path? Do you need to become a morning person? Do you need that time to pursue your side hustle or to just exist before things get crazy? Do you need to watch less TV to free up time to spend with your family? Do you need to delete apps from your phone that distract you from your life? Do you need to learn something new to help you reach a goal?

Taking steps towards a dream feels a lot better than berating yourself daily for those failures you keep stumbling over. I promise. A goal of self development and self love feels much better than the goal to lose 15 lbs by summer. Think about the things you can add in to be a better version of you so that your dreams can come into fruition. It isn’t about letting yourself off the hook. It is about re-framing how those things occur and how you look at them and ultimately how you go about pursuing them.

It isn’t just about the 15 lbs or being more organized. It is about living a life you love. It is about living the life you love as your best self. Failures will happen and you will stumble along the way but I’m convinced if we just get up every time we will be successful and one day living the dreams we have now and dreaming even bigger and better ones for ourselves.