The best laid plans . . .

Sometimes things don't work out. Like waking up at 4 a.m.

Long story short I woke up one sleep cycle through the night and stayed awake until 5 a.m. I let myself catch two hours after that and then made myself get up. 

I was cranky. Angry I had lost so much sleep, angry my plans to wake up and have another beautiful morning were ruined. I was angry when I couldn't find my tea, angry when it was raining and not snowing, angry I was cold. I was in the worst possible mood. After the tea was made and I made a warm space on the couch to watch the rain I thought to myself, "You cannot have every day be your day. It won't be that way. Not every morning will flow effortlessly. Take this day and make it into something."

So I did. I watched the rain fall in the quiet. I snuggled with my pup. I drank hot tea and let the warmth of the cup warm my hands and heart. I meditated. I used a guided mediation because I wasn't feeling up to being left to myself. I re-centered.

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

Things will go awry. Always. We can count on things changing around us constantly. What do we do in those moments? Do we notice our negative patterns and re-center? Or do we allow ourselves to go down that road and let a negative moment (or morning) become a negative day?

I chose today to re-center. I pray that becomes the case more and more often.