Traveling with Oils

We recently took a long weekend trip to visit family. Traveling is fun but often stressful. How can oils support you as you travel? Great question. Here is a a quick look into how I use oils while traveling.

My skin care oils: Yarrow|Pom, Melaleuca, Patchouli. I use these every day so these were no brainers. They keep my skin moisturized and fresh.

OnGuard Rollerball: Bottom of feet before bed a few days before and during the trip. Yes, because no one wants to start feeling under the weather on a trip.

Peppermint Rollerball: Swiped on back of neck and across my hair line. She’s my favorite any time I need a mental refresh.

ClaryCalm Rollerball: Ladies, if you don’t yet use this for monthly support I highly recommend it. Swipe across abdomen with a carrier oil like jojoba oil.

Deep Blue: For any neck or shoulder tension that happens when sitting in the car for hours on end or sleeping in a different bed. Use with carrier oil.

Breathe: If airways are feeling constricted. Great to use at bedtime on chest with carrier oil. Easy breathing and peaceful sleep especially when coupled with the next oil on the list.

Serenity: Great at bedtime for restful sleep and for any general stress during travel. Bottom of feet and across chest with a carrier oil.

DigestZen: Because tummies don’t always love travel. Apply with carrier oil to abdomen as needed.

Frankincese and Copaiba: Because these two go hand in hand and help my body and mind run smoothly. I actually take a drop of each internally (under the tongue). You can also apply topically with carrier oil on the back of neck.

Sandalwood: Because it’s beautiful and makes me happy. It is also grounding when I need a moment to decompress. One drop in your palm, rub hands together and breathe deep from palms. Run your hands through your hair as you breathe deeply. Sit for a moment and focus on breath.

Citrus Bliss, Clementine, Grapefruit, Green Mandarin: Yes, I have a deep love affair with the citrus oils. They are deeply centering and uplifting for me (especially when paired with Sandalwood). I need all the uplifting and centering while traveling. The control freak in me hates the unexpected and travel is always mixed with the unexpected. Never apply to area of skin that will see daylight as they can cause photo-sensitivity. Apply with carrier oil to abdomen, back, feet (anywhere the sun won’t reach).

That’s what I brought with me this time and it’s the general run-down of my little oil collection whenever I travel. What oils do you take with you when you travel? What benefits are you looking for the most?

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