Just Everyday Beauty

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Homeschooling: Changing Paths

To the mama bear, roaring lioness, educator of her children. I see you there wondering if you should go with your gut on this one. Grab a cup of tea. Let’s talk.

How many of us have started the year set on a particular style of education or curriculum and midway through the year, or a month in, we discover that it isn’t working? Maybe one philosophy served us and our children for a season but now it is time to take on something new. Perhaps a curriculum you loved one year just isn’t cutting it the next. Our kids grow, our family changes, interests expand or focus down. As we nurture our babes it is logical that the way we guide them will change as well.

Mama, it’s okay. Perhaps you read something from Charlotte Mason and are inspired to take up nature journaling as part of your daily science and outdoor time, bless it. Or maybe you are new to Classical Education and those logic and Latin courses sound like the perfect addition to your child’s pursuits. You are allowed to move in a new direction.

Don’t ever be discouraged from expanding your child’s education simply because you are already on a path. Don’t be afraid to jump off that path and start a new one. Whatever it is that has caught your interest or your child’s interest: Go for it. Make the changes, mama. You are in charge. You are allowed to change your path.

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