Just Everyday Beauty

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Essential Oil Skincare Routine

It’s been a few years since my last post going sharing my skin care routine and it’s time for an update! Some players are the same but I’ve added in a couple of things that have helped along the way and I want you to share the benefits, too!

Step 1: Cleanse

As before, this step begins with a caveat. I only wash my face with cleanser on days I wear cosmetics and generally ONLY with cool water. We good? Good. The cleanser I have been loving lately is from Mad Hippie. I love the brand and you will see them pop up quite a few times here. The Oil Cleanser has been my skin’s bestie for a while now. It removes all of the cosmetics from my face without making it feel stripped. For my sensitive, dry skin it’s a dream. On days I don’t use a cleanser I simply use cool water and a wash rag to give a light exfoliation.

You CAN make your own oil cleanser using an oil like jojoba and a combo like Tea Tree and Lavender or Geranium. Tea Tree will be cleansing to the skin and a floral oil will be soothing to your skin. I’d suggest you can make the oil cleanser in a 2 oz dropper top bottle 10 drops each of the essential oils and top with jojoba.

Step 2: Toner

I use this step to add extra hydration to my routine. I use Heritage Store’s Rosewater & Glycerin Hydrating Facial Mist. My skin is bone dry and while I do my best to eat well for my skin type (i.e. bone broths) it never seems to quite be enough. This step gives my skin an extra boost of external hydration before I use oils to seal in the moisture. I use this mist throughout the day if I need a little refresh as well. It’s lovely.

Step 3: Powerhouse Serum

This is my favorite part of my skincare routine. This trio I’m about to introduce you to saved my skin when I was going through a bout of redness and non-acne breakouts. It has restored my skin’s radiance and keeps the new mid-life skin issues at bay. Amen and amen.

I use doTERRA’s Yarrow Pom Active Botanical Nutritive Duo along with Tea Tree and Patchouli. Simplified: Four to six drops of Yarrow Pom, a drop of Patchouli, and a swipe of Tea Tree. What I mean by a swipe is I open the bottle, tip it so not quite a full drop forms and glide it across my palm to catch that tiny amount. You don’t need much. Yarrow Pom is calming and nourishing to the skin and may increase radiance. Patchouli is soothing and may promote anti-aging while Tea Tree is cleansing to the skin. This trio changed the game for my skin. Period.

I do also use other items on my skin to increase radiance and help with anti-aging. They have their place and are all used on a rotating basis.

Mad Hippie Exfoliating Serum is added in 1-2 times a week at night. On nights I’m planning on using this I will forgo the Hydrating Spray and apply this serum right after washing my face. After I will apply the magic trio and sleep peacefully knowing I’ll wake up radiant.

Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum is added in most days either at night or during the day. I do not combine this with the Exfolating Serum but I do use it when I use a roller-derm 1-2 times a week. This combo is *chef’s kiss*.

I use doTERRA’s Verage Serum most days either at night or during the day. It is a lovely serum that contains an anti-aging blend of essential oils. Sometimes I alternate with Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum, some days I use them in conjunction. I always use it after I use the roller-derm. I’m telling you. If you haven’t started roller-derming yet but you used a cassette tape in your lifetime. Babe, just try it out.

Step 4: Eyes and Lips

You’ll notice there’s no eye cream. I haven’t found one I love. They are either not hydrating enough, not clean enough, or cause breakouts around my eyes. When I find one I love I’ll be yelling it from the rooftop and you’ll be the first to hear about it.

Don’t forget your lips! Right now I’m having a little love affair with Rooted Beauty Smoothing Lip Balm. It’s a very simple lip balm but it does the trick for me!

If you’ve been wanting to dive into using essential oils in your home now is a great time to get started. It’s a pivot but essential oils are easily incorporated into every area of your life and home. Click here to learn more.

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