DIY: After Sun Spray

So, a disclaimer first because that’s weirdly where we are in society. I am not a doctor. I have never claimed to know all there is to know about health. I believe deeply in bodily sovereignty. You do you, boo. I applaud you for the choices you make on your health journey. I’m just here to share what works for me.

A few weeks ago I spent a good amount of time in the garden. I was engrossed in my chores and forgot myself. A sunburn slowly began showing on my back a few hours after I was back indoors. Now you must know: I AM CAREFUL WITH MY SKIN but I do not wear sunscreen. You do you but I’m not about it. Usually, I do a GREAT JOB of monitoring how my skin feels while I’m in the sun. For whatever reason on this day, I didn’t feel the usual cues and ended up getting burned.

I was a little upset with myself but I quickly remembered my tools and whipped up this DIY with all the hydrating and nourishing things I could think of. It did wonders for my skin. I would first apply the DIY spray and then apply pure shea butter mixed with a smidge of lotion. The burn was gone within a few days.

Am I saying this will fix all the things? No. Do I recommend sunning without paying attention? No. What I’m saying this was a great help to me when my skin needed something extra nourishing.


A spray bottle (Recipe based off 2 oz bottle)

Pure Vegetable Glycerin

Organic Sweet Almond Oil

Essential Oils: Helichrysum, Frankincense, Copaiba, Peppermint, Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Tea Tree, and Immortelle essential oils

For an extra boost I added a Vitamin C Serum (produced by Mad Hippie)



  1. Add one tablespoon of pure vegetable glycerin and one tablespoon organic sweet almond oil to your 2 oz bottle.

  2. Add 3 drops Helichrysum, 6 drops Frankincense, 5 drops Copaiba, 5 drops Peppermint, 5 drops Lavender, 3 drops Roman Chamomile, 4 drops Tea Tree, and 4 drops Immortelle.

  3. (Optional) If you have a clean Vitamin C serum like this one from Mad Hippie, add a dropper full of that as well.

  4. Top with water

  5. Add spray top. Shake and spray over the areas that need a little extra love. Shake each time before use.

Don’t have essential oils in your home, yet? Learn more about these amazing tools here.


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