Just Everyday Beauty

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A Love Note

Do not dull yourself. Do not trim your mind to fit in with others. Do not cut off emotions because they are uncomfortably large. Do not hide your shine because it threatens others. Do not deny your experiences because they don’t fit in with “normal”.

You live. You fucking live FULLY and alive AS YOU.

The world needs you AS YOU. Not as your mother. Not as your father. Not as your sibling. Not as your best friend.

Have you ever eaten the same food day after day after day? And do you not desire and NEED something different? Does your diet not need all the colors of the rainbow?

We have dulled ourselves to be “okay” when we are anything but. Wake up. Wake up and live YOUR LIFE.

It is YOURS. Live it as such.

My love… just LIVE. Wide and large or small and quiet or ever-changing. Just fucking do it. Do it while you still can. None of us know the way this life goes. None of us have the blueprint though some lie and say they do. Do they know the end of their days? Do they?

No. So live. Live now.

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