Intuitive Oil Use

Intuition is a beautiful thing. We have had much of our connection with our intuition hijacked by the way we live our lives. I am not speaking on gut intuitions about people or places or experiences in this moment but about the intuition that is our body speaking to us on what it needs.

Using essential oils can be a practice in using your intuition with what your body needs. I have often found it very surprising to later read about the assets of using a certain oil when I had been drawn to lately. The easiest way I started following my intuition was making diffuser blends. This was a guide back to myself, of sorts, as I started to build trust with my intuition.

My process goes little like this:

I open up my boxes of essential oils so I can easily see them. I feel immediately drawn to one or two oils. I uncap them and smell them together. Then my body will be drawn to another oil or two so I add those into my uncapping and smell them all together until I am satisfied. I drop one or two drops in my diffuser and enjoy the benefits of those oils. That’s it, love. Really.

If you ever feel stuck not knowing what oil to start with just grab a few and uncap and see how you feel when you inhale the aromatic compounds. How does it make you feel? What is your body telling you it needs at this moment? A yes feels the same as when you open your fridge and see that juicy apple and your body screams out “I want that!” It sounds so ridiculous but this has been my personal practice and it has served me well. I hope it serves you also.