Let it make you fearless.

My friend,

I know some days it feels like everything is falling apart. I promise those times will not last forever. We are all in the constant cycle of life being thrown into the next phase assuredly before we are ready.

You are still here. You have made it through so many things and climbed so many mountains. Some of those mountains climbed in silence, without anyone knowing, because they were only for you to climb. Some of those mountains were out for all to see… and no matter what form they took you are still here.

Life is not easy. It can be oh so beautiful but it is never easy. You are not alone even if you feel isolated. We, as humanity, are connected in the struggles we face. Let it be comforting that so many who came before us survived these mountains as well.

You are loved, and worthy, and still breathing. Let every breath you take be a big, fat middle finger to every obstacle that tried to take you down. Let it make you fearless. Let it make you joyful.

Let it light in you a flame that cannot be put out because it spreads like wildfire.

You dear one, are here for a reason. Let it be enough to stay. Let it be enough to climb the mountains. Let it be enough to breathe.