Just Everyday Beauty

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3 Oils for Discomfort

Yesterday was one of those days. I had the most frustrating and awful dreams about being lied to and then woke up with tension all through my back and neck and my head was pounding. Now, which came first the headache or the tension? I’ll never know.

I won’t lie to you and say that in this instance I used essential oils and BAM my bad day disappeared. What I will tell you are the specific oils I use to support my body on days like this and how I use them.

Frankincense is lovely for your discomfort. You can throw that at emotional or physical discomfort. There is a little phrase quoted often, “When in doubt use Frankincense.” This is a powerful oil that I have a deep love for. When I wake up in the situation I was in yesterday I put a drop under my tongue (please only ever use oils internally that have a “supplement facts” box on the label! doTERRA has such information on each oil suitable for internal use). I also put a drop in my palm and vigorously rub my palms together for a moment to warm my hands and I breathe deeply from my palms before I gently place my hands over my cheekbones then forehead then neck and THEN I breathe in again from the remaining oil in my hands. Sometimes I add Copaiba to the external application process. It is a lovely and supportive oil, as well.

Peppermint goes on my chest via Peppermint Touch. It is pre-diluted and ready to apply. Yes, please, always, thank you. I put it on and breathe deeply. DEEPLY and as slowly as I can. When I exhale I try to notice where my tension is and let it go. My pain is always compounded by trying to avoid it. (Life lesson, there.) When I release the tension and let the pain wash over me it is easier to take. (Another disclaimer: When my pain is too thick and I am near vomiting from pain and no amount of deep breathing and allowing the pain to wash over me is working I absolutely will take a pain reliever. There is no shame, friends. Not here.)

I still ended up in bed all day but I wanted to share with you how I use oils on the not-so-great days colored by pain. Some days I catch my issues before they become a tsunami of pain and these oils are all I need. Some days I catch it far too late (because I’m sleeping) and end up needing more but I still use the oils to support my body into harmony. I love these beautiful tools.