Constant Motion

Time goes by so quickly. Does it ever freak you out? I have these moments and I think, "Oh shit I have so much to do and I haven't done any of it!" 

"It" can be any number of things: chores, work, spiritual journey, relationships, yada yada... 

And so I start to panic. Ego takes over and where there was once peace is nothing but over-thinking and anxiety and this growing list of to-dos that just seems ridiculously long and overwhelming. 

Then the quiet voice, "You are supposed to be right here. If you were to be anywhere else you would be. Keep going."

Sure, write the to-do list, do the things, prioritize your life, work, walk or run towards your destination BUT know that at the end of the day you did what you could. Know you are only given 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to do what you can do. Know it is okay some days to just exist because we all have those days, too. Know you are doing your best and even though time is flying by you are exactly where you are supposed to be: to live, to love, to grow, to experience, to serve. You are doing "it" now... all of it.