
Self-care has become something of a buzzword. Behind the hilarity of "treat yoself" is a true thought pattern: You cannot pour from an empty vessel. How in the world do we take care of ourselves when we barely have enough time in the day to get everything done (and most times we have to leave things until tomorrow).

Taking care of yourself, in my eyes, is something that happens in regular patterns throughout your day. I'm not here telling you to go get a massage (by all means-go-I've never had one), or to go unplug from your family at get a pedicure. I'm not here telling you to go on a beach vacation or to buy something else be it an experience or product that will take you to the "next-level". 

Self-care is something that happens every single day. (Hopefully.) It is in the small moments, where we find joy and peace that I believe we find the most benefit and are most aligned with taking care of ourselves. 

My new routine is to wake up early. Before my baby girl, before the day has me rushing. I wake up, crawl out of bed, put the kettle on, take the dog out, feed the dog, make the tea, take the dog back out... and go back upstairs. I sit and sip my tea for a few minutes. Then I do yoga, not a long practice, usually a short one and meditate. I free myself from whatever mood I woke up in (usually crabby AF) and begin my day with a heart that is open and a mind that is clear. For me, that is my daily self-care. Whatever happens the rest of the day I have at least given myself the opportunity to direct my day instead of my day directing me. 

Yes, face masks are awesome, time out with friends is important... vastly so... but what do you do DAILY that improves YOU so that you can have a full cup to pour into others. Some days are harder than others even through this practice of greeting each day. Some days still just suck. I'm giving myself the chance, however, to react better because I have come from a different mindset.

I encourage you to take some time to really think about what would fill your cup. Is it a morning practice, an afternoon 30 minute check-out, an evening practice? All of the above? Take one, start with one and make it "normal". Then watch the changes unfold. When that practice becomes normalized come back to yourself. What next? What do I need to do next? Make a practice of devotional, reading, praying, walking outside? Build the routines you want one baby step at a time. 

Life and FaithLeah Barnett