Just Everyday Beauty

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Setting goals is terrifying to me. I have let myself down so many times.


What makes this time different? Will my body hold up? Will my mental health debilitate me in the middle of my goal? I wouldn’t be surprised if either happened. Does that mean I failed if my body and mind took over and sabotaged me? The answer is yes if I didn’t get back up and keep going towards the goal.

So here I am. Setting goals for myself for the rest of the year and I am EXCITED. Excited because maybe I fall off the course but I’m committed to get right back up and start again because for the first time in a while I believe that it matters. That all of the goals, all of the moments of pushing myself to do better, all of the times I fall and get back up they matter. They matter because I matter… because I carry intrinsic worth because here I am existing like a badass. (jokes)

In full transparency this round matters to me because I want to my daughter know it is okay to struggle through goals. I have goals and I might fall down but I’ll be damned if I stop moving forward completely. Chronic illness may give me a run for my money and I may have to take “time off” but I will get back up and keep going. I can do hard things and that means she can do hard things.