
I was reminded yesterday why I am passionate about being toxin-free. Twice going through instagram stories I saw people I adore (and don't know lol) using toxic products. My skin literally crawled but I get it. I get that you may even know that some products contain questionable ingredients but you just haven't had the wake up call yet. 

Through different situations through the past five+ years I have learned that I am super sensitive to toxins. My body doesn't like them, doesn't know how to deal with them, doesn't know how to get rid of them. I believe that my daughter's body leans the same way. There are things I cannot do (i.e. dying my hair) without having a health flare up. I'm weirdly grateful that I have been given a barometer of health. 

Our home is not toxin free. It won't ever be. We are all bombarded constantly with environmental toxins even if we have the best of intentions. What I strive for is to eliminate as many toxins as I can so we can deal with the toxic load we have no control over. It is an ongoing process of eliminating and adding to how we do life in our home. 

The journey can seem daunting but I encourage you to take baby steps. When you run out of something- a cleaner, a shampoo, a toothpaste, a deodorant, etc.- replace it with something toxin-free. Bring plants into your home that you love and that serve you to clean the air in your home. Be mindful of each purchase: Will this add to our toxic load? Will this lessen it? It really is a practice in mindfulness and being present in your life as you add new habits and change old ways.