For the Moms

This one is especially for the mommas. The women who do for others and continue to forget about themselves. Whose daily work of keeping others alive is as exhausting as it is beautiful.

Listen and hear me clearly:

You have to take care of yourself.

Yes, you, momma who woke up at 5 am hoping to get a second to yourself but your toddler needed you because she woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. You, momma who tries to stay up to have alone time but falls asleep every single time. You, momma who doesn’t know how to deal with the insanity of these children whom you love. You, momma who just wants a f****** break.

You have to take care of yourself.

Here’s why. If you don’t not only will you suffer, but those around you will as well. No one wants one more thing on their to-do list but friend if you don’t take care of yourself you are doing no service to anyone in your life.

I get it. I get there isn’t time. 1000% I’m there with you. I know there is no time. And who will watch the kids while I’m self-caring? Sometimes self-care is drinking water, sometimes the self-care is eating fresh foods instead of processed, sometimes self-care is counting to ten before you blow your lid again today because the person affected most is actually you.

If you need help, momma, ask for it. No one around you is a mind reader (well maybe they are but a good minder reader isn’t about to encroach on your space unasked). Your husband, your friend, your momma, your sister, your neighbor… ask. There are people around you who care about you and want to help you.

Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean it will all be easy. If your habit has been to forget about yourself then the easiest road is to continue that habit, but if you resonate with this at all you need to take action now. Makes small steps. Decide on just one habit that you can form now that will enact change. Keep that promise to yourself and build trust with yourself again. Woman, you can do this!

Side note: Depression is a beast and a liar. Anxiety is a shitstorm of ugly. If that is part of what you deal with then please, please I beg of you seek help. That is a different ball of wax than the normal “I can’t do this” phase and you are worth the time and the attention of seeking help. There is no shame in your mind not functioning correctly. Do you feel shame for being flat footed? Or what about for needing glasses? No? Then you should feel no shame about seeking help for your brain not working the way it should. You are beautiful and loved. You deserve to feel joy in your life. Period.