
Today I was sore and exhausted. The kind of deep-in-your-bones exhaustion that makes you feel sure that falling out of your chair is inevitable. I did NOT want to go for a run. The thought of running actually brought tears to my eyes because I felt like sh**. Grumbling about it, I got up to go get ready and my sweet girl said, “Don’t go run today if you don’t want to.” My answer was, “I made a promise to myself and I’m going to keep it.”

I went and put workout gear on, grabbed my phone and earbuds, put on my shoes and went for a run. It didn’t totally suck. It went faster than I thought it would and by the end of the run I was smiling.

Even though my legs were screaming at times and I’m sure tomorrow getting out of bed will be rough I am so glad I went. I am glad I went because for the first time in a long time I am taking the promises I make to myself as seriously as I would a promise to a friend.

Personal growth is inevitable in this mental space and I’m so ready to keep going.