Just Everyday Beauty

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Reset with Essential Oils

“I just need a do-over on this day.”

I’ve said it to myself many times and I’ve heard it from friends when I was their phone call for help, a quick vent before the lid blew.

We have all had those moments. Our emotions, the dramas of the day, other people’s dramas (I’m looking at you, sponges… you know who you are)… It all comes together into a tidal wave of feelings and physical tensions that you now have to deal with.

We can’t have a do-over on the day but we can do a hard reset. What I mean is we can disconnect for a moment and come back to our lives renewed and ready.

This little ritual has helped me on many days (sometimes numerous times in one day at the end of my moon cycle). My deep hope is that it serves you as well.

Find Some Space

First, remove yourself. I understand, especially if you are a momma, that removing yourself can be difficult. If your babes are old enough you can tell them, “Mommy needs just a few minutes by herself, okay? I’ll be back in a just a few minutes.” If they love timers as a predictability measure, set a timer for them. If they love books pull a couple for them. Puzzles, let them puzzle. Whatever it is you need a few minutes away. Close yourself off physically. If that’s not possible the discipline here is to make things as quiet as possible. Put your phone on silent, turn off electronics, get as still as you can. I remember my itty-bitty wouldn’t let me out of her sight for a very, very long time. Stillness and quiet meant me sitting on the floor with everything turned off and her scooting and crawling around me. I’d usually strew a few toys out before I plopped myself on the ground to reset. If your babe will sit with you let them. If they will scoot around you while you sit on the ground let them.


Take a deeeeeeeep breath. I’m not over-exaggerating when I say deeeeeeeeep. I find when my anxieties are flaring and my emotions have gone wild I have stopped breathing deeply. I’m breathing from the very top of my lungs and there is very little oxygen being circulated through my body and mind. With this deep inhalation make sure you are fully exhaling. You should be exhaling so fully that your inhale happens naturally. Do this a few times and then allow your breathing regulate.


Let the emotions go. You may need to cry, to growl, or just sit on the floor for a moment and feel all the things. Do it. Feel the things. Don’t hold on to them. Don’t identify with them. Acknowledge them. Let them wash over you but don’t hold on to them, just experience them.

Again come back to the breath. Breathe deeply, make sure that you breathing hasn’t gone back to just quick breathes from the top of your lungs.

Ground the moment

Grab an essential oil. Some suggestions if you aren’t sure where to start: Tree oils like Arbortivae, Cedarwood, Copaiba, Douglas Fir, Frankincense, Hinoki are grounding. Tea Tree (Melaleuca) can help you focus on and create boundaries. Citrus oils like Bergamot, Tangerine, Lime, Wild Orange can be uplifting, cheerful and playful. Peppermint is a lovely uplifting and awakening oil. Pick one or two essential oils. Drop a drop of the oil(s) into your palm. Drop a drop or two of a carrier oil (sweet almond, jojoba, argan, etc) into your palm with the oils. Rub your palms together, place your hands on your neck and massage down your neck onto your shoulders. Caress your shoulders and upper arms breathing in the aromatic compounds and allowing the oils steady you in this moment.

express gratitude

When you are ready take another deep breath. Hand on heart name one thing, person, part of life you are grateful for. Spend a moment here in the space of gratitude.

Sit for a minute or two or four. And just be. Exist without expectation, without judgement, without the to do list. Let that all wait for later. Just exist now.


When you are ready, take another cleansing breath in and let it go. Return to your day reset and renewed. There are days I need this process numerous times and that’s okay. It’s okay to take these times for yourself periodically through your day. You aren’t meant to go full force constantly or to carry an emotional load just because you feel it.

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