Just Everyday Beauty

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There is a theme here. Things are changing, shifts are taking place in my life. In my mindset, in my habits, in my heart. It seems like every day there is a moment I think, "Who am I?" but in the BEST way possible. 

It seems like mindful habits have given way to new mindsets which sets in motion more mindful habits. My desire to live a life I want to wake up to has changed everything. I have bad days. This morning was not great. The J O B was not great, but it did not ruin my day. I vented, got over it and moved on. We have choices. We need to live acknowledging them and taking advantage of them. 

For so long I felt stuck (and still sometimes do). Unable to make decisions because I felt like they were already made for me. Then one day it clicked. "I can do this." I can make changes and I can grow and flourish. 

You can, too. If you wonder if it is possible I am telling you now:

Change is possible. 

You are not stuck in your mental state, you are not stuck in your emotional state, you are NOT STUCK. When you are ready, you will move and it will be one of the greatest feelings of your life. You can... because if I can ANYONE can. 
